Color Conversion

This tool is useful for "quick-and-dirty" conversion between different color systems. However, it is NOT a replacement for proper color guides and references!

Color Conversion Tool
Contrast Analysis

The Contrast Analysis tool is an easy way to ensure that your design meets the readability standards defined by WCAG 2.0.

Contrast Analysis Tool

Analysis & Conversion Tools

The tools available here are provided for quick and efficient color conversion, analysis, and more.

For example, using the Contrast Analysis tool you can easily check whether or not your text and background colors provide enough contrast to meet the readability requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines issued by the W3C.

All the tools are provided "as-is". That is, for production purposes and real-life quality control, always refer to proper color guides and reference systems. Please use the results from these tools only as guidelines!

When working with colors and automatics as provided here, most important of all; always use common sense!